High School class meets Suzanne Stone-Maretto (Nicole Kidman) in To Die For

To Die For (USA Oct 6, 1995) - This class is not learning today as Nicole Kidman playing Suzanne Stone-Maretto introduce an offer to be in a documentary (Columbia Pictures) | Movieclips.

Suzanne Stone-Maretto (Nicole Kidman) goes to a local high school to recruit subjects for a documentary she is producing, Teens Speak Out, that focuses on various issues teenagers face. She immediately attracts two delinquents, Jimmy Emmett (Joaquin Phoenix) and Russel Hines (Casey Affleck), and befriends Lydia Mertz (Alison Folland).

Kidman's character Suzanne Stone-Maretto has been described as suffering from narcissistic personality disorder in the scientific journal BMC Psychiatry. The character Suzanne Stone-Maretto satisfied 8 of 9 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder, some histrionic personality disorder criteria. Suzanne Stone is a young woman who wants to be on television at any cost. She marries a young man, but soon begins to have affairs with TV producers to accomplish her main goal: to become a news-reporter at a major TV station. When her husband tries to persuade her to settle down and have children, she decides to have him killed instead, taking advantage of three troubled youths, whom she has met while trying to make a TV production.

To Die For was released on VHS following its theatrical release and on DVD on November 10, 1998.

A 4K remaster of the To Die For was released by The Criterion Collection on Blu-ray and Ultra HD Blu-ray on March 26, 2024

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