Bar Refaeli Nerd Cure
Two things the world should be thankful for according to TMZ: Twitter and Bar Refaeli... because the supermodel just one month ago tweeted out one of the HOTTEST photos TMZ had ever seen! For those totally grossed out by the Super Bowl commercial, maybe this reminder will cure you.
Many people were repulsed by the Jesse Jeiman and Bar Refaeli kiss on the Super Bowl. Just go back about two months, and review TMZ's capture of Refaeli's Twitter pic ... that will cure you.
Go Daddy nerd star Jesse Heiman has a list? ...
Jesse Heiman made out with Bar Refaeli during Go Daddy's Super Bowl commercial... but now he's got his sights set on another smoking hot babe!
The lists are confusing: Kathy Ireland, Tyra Banks, Chery Tiegs, Kate Upton.